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Life Snippets: The First Half of 2017

One thing I could never wrap my brain around when it comes to travel blogging -- and blogging in general actually -- is how narcissistic it is. Do people really like reading an abundance of first person pronouns? Does anyone really care for random selfies in front of famous buildings? And yet, while being extremely aware about how self-absorbed the act of blogging is, I found myself wanting to share personal updates online for all these years. As you may have noticed though (I mean, who am I kidding here), I've cut back on my blogging output immensely throughout the [...]

By |2021-06-01T00:04:06+02:002017/09/05|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , |5 Comments

Around the World in Coffees: The 2015 Edition

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And by that I mean: I get to look back on the last year through the coffees I drank! Ever since I wrote my first blog post about traveling and coffee, my yearly coffee round-up has become an article I look forward to writing the entire year. I love how a collage of my coffees always tells stories from my kitchen table in Göttingen to far-off places all over the world. The changing of scenery, light, cups, tables, or sweet treats on the side are always part of my favorite memories, because with [...]

By |2016-01-03T15:57:24+01:002016/01/03|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |15 Comments

London Stories in Black and White

I have always loved photography. My parents gave me my first little camera for my 12th birthday and I was so excited that I even told all my teachers about it. Very soon after that birthday, we spent a week in a cabin in the Jura mountains in Switzerland where I took photos of horses and kittens and I couldn't have been more in love with the memories I created thanks to those images. I used my little analogous camera for years, even brought it with me for my first big (semi-grown-up) trip across the Atlantic Ocean a few years [...]

By |2015-08-05T18:47:46+02:002015/08/05|Categories: Destinations, England, Europe|Tags: , , |20 Comments

Highlights from a Weekend in London

Three years ago, London had caught me completely off guard: I had come to see the places that I had been familiarized with through all those countless English textbooks, but hadn't expected to fall so hard for the artsy hipster London, the pretty stoops, and, oh -- the coffee. Back then, I kept thinking that Steffen (aka the boyfriend) would love London as well, so I had been plotting to return with him ever since. Last winter, I finally got him the flight tickets for Christmas and I couldn't wait to hear what he thought of London. And of course, [...]

By |2015-06-22T14:29:51+02:002015/06/22|Categories: Destinations, England, Europe|Tags: , , |15 Comments

Photo Essay: The Best of May 2015

I feel like being a little too redundant with starting off this monthly recap with the same cliché I used for my April wrap-up, but it just sounds so adequate this time around as well: May was a month of quite a few ups and downs regrading life, weather, and emotional states. But if writing monthly round-up posts has taught me anything yet, then that life is just like a constant roller coaster ride sometimes. Maybe this is just the reality of 20-something life. Maybe this is even just life in general. But how would we even notice the highlights if there [...]

By |2015-06-11T13:29:43+02:002015/05/31|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , , , , |8 Comments

The Broke Art Historian’s Guide to Sightseeing in London

When it comes to money, London has a horrible reputation. And it's true. When I learned how much rent my friend and host Sarah was paying for her shoe-box sized apartment, I couldn't believe it. Or when we bought a few groceries for breakfast -- fruit, cereal, yoghurt -- and paid more than 20 ₤. Without a doubt, London is just crazy expensive. However, this doesn't necessarily apply to sightseeing. (Unless of course you want a picture of you and wax-Britney-Spears. What can I say, you have your reasons, right?) Honestly though, I was positively surprised how much you can do [...]

Around the World in 80 Coffees?!

When I was skimming through the pictures I took on my trips during the last year I realized that I developed a strange habit: I take pictures of my coffees. A lot. It may be an unconscious result of my addiction, but I consider coffee to be picture-worthy. And pretty. And very cultural. Are you aware that "Coffee" is one of the easiest words to learn in so many languages? Coffee, café (French, Portuguese, Spanish - all covered in one word!), caffè (Italian), Kaffee (German), koffie (Dutch), káva (Czech, Slovakian), kava (Croatian, Slovenian, Lithuanian - again, 3 languages, one word!), kaffe (Norwegian, Swedish), [...]

By |2013-05-07T04:41:25+02:002012/11/24|Categories: Specials|Tags: , , , , , , |24 Comments

Photo Essay: Big Ben Bathed in Sunlight

Today's Photo of the Week is dedicated to my great trip to London last April: When my friend Sarah and I were walking across the famous bridge over the river Thames, the British weather was just as capricious as it is known for -- but when we turned around the late afternoon sun suddenly broke through the huge clouds and bathed Big Ben in the most magical light. So stunning!  

By |2014-04-20T10:46:51+02:002012/09/17|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

London’s Gems: Portobello Road and Brick Lane

On a large scale, London has been what I expected it to be: Crowded, busy, oh-so British, but also culturally and artistically buzzing. What really surprised me however, was the hipster-artsy-hippie-vintagey side of London. Knowing me way too well, my host and guide Sarah took me to Portobello Road and Brick Lane. And she was so right about me -- I just loved these street markets! Having been a sucker for flea markets for the greater part of my life, this isn't so surprising... but these markets are so much more than just random street markets! Portobello Road in the heart [...]

By |2015-08-05T14:53:19+02:002012/07/31|Categories: Destinations, England, Europe|Tags: , , , |3 Comments
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