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Things to Do in Aarhus, Denmark (in Winter!)

By |2022/01/05|

After a trip to Copenhagen back in 2016 (that I only briefly wrote about), I had been dreaming about returning to Denmark: The country's capital blew me away with the quality of its food, coffee, and beer. And it's obviously super photogenic! Naturally, I had very high expectations for [...]

Life Snippets of 2019: What Remained

By |2021/12/22|

I've been writing and rewriting this blog post for exactly two years now. No matter how often I tried to find the right words, I just couldn't. Sometimes I would try to appear strong and make sarcastic jokes -- sometimes I sounded too whiney (especially in comparison with the [...]

That Paris Feeling

By |2020/10/14|

It seems so surreal now, but in February 2020 I traveled to Paris: An extended weekend getaway to one of my favorite cities with my mom and sister. From a Central European perspective, the pandemic was just around the corner in mid-February, yet still seemed too far away back [...]

Life Snippets of 2019: The Before, the C-Word, the After

By |2019/09/19|

I was sitting outside the doctor's office waiting for my husband who had an appointment upstairs. It was an unusually warm February day and I had taken off my winter coat to soak in the early spring sun. Steffen was supposed to get some test results back. He had [...]

Life Snippets: The Second Half of 2018

By |2019/07/26|

Again, I'm more than several months behind with my biannual life update. You know very well that blogging hasn't been a priority in my life lately throughout the last years, although I certainly sometimes miss my regular writing routine. I've often felt bad for neglecting the audience I built [...]

Five Amazing Day Hikes in Montenegro

By |2019/06/03|

Five years ago (when blogging was still a thing?) I probably would have started this blog post lamenting about how I spent hours trying to find great hiking tips and trail recommendations for Montenegro. While it's quite easy to research Montenegro's beautiful coastline, Steffen (the husband) and I struggled [...]

Life Snippets: The First Half of 2018

By |2018/11/06|

I had always been hesitant when it came to answering the question "Why do you write a travel blog?", because the commonly used phrase in the blogosphere "I just want to inspire people to travel" never sounded like the right answer to me. Deep down I knew the reasons [...]

Five Times in Paris

By |2018/09/21|

In my teleological view of life, I have to be  I'm convinced I'm at the best I've been yet: I love looking back and connecting the dots that led me to where I'm now, to understand how I got here in the first place. It's fun to see how I [...]

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