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Photo Essay: Rome in Black and White

By |2015/01/06|

Back when I still wanted to write a dozen or more review posts to end 2014, a "Best 14 photos of 2014" was definitely something on my agenda. I know I've been saying this ever since I first started stealing the boyfriend's dSLR back in late 2012, but the [...]

Of Past Years and First Times

By |2014/12/31|

I always get a little nostalgic when the new year is about to begin. I sort of like clinging to the old year and remember what happened. At the same time, I like to imagine what the next year will be like -- always hoping that it will be [...]

Around the World in Coffees: The 2014 Edition

By |2014/12/28|

I was originally planning to turn December into Review Month. Because no matter how some other bloggers frown upon year review posts, I love them. I love looking back and being nostalgic. And I love pretending that my life had a certain theme in the past year. December overwhelmed [...]

Merry Christmas from Germany!

By |2014/12/23|

I know it's such a cliché to say this, but I honestly have no idea how Christmas time came this quickly. All of a sudden, I'm back at home at my parent's house in the rural German middle of nowhere with the dog warming my feet and it's almost Christmas Day. [...]

Photo Essay: Christmas Time in Bremen

By |2014/12/19|

I'm not sure if it's common knowledge that Germany has 16 federal states, but I'm pretty sure everyone has heard about oh-so-famous Bavaria. And don't get me wrong, I love Bavaria -- but Germany is NOT Bavaria. In the contrary to what the world sometimes seems to believe, beer [...]

On Being Underwhelmed

By |2014/12/09|

I vividly remember when it happened to me for the first time. I was 19 years old on art major class field trip to Rome. We had spent the entire year before learning about Renaissance and Baroque architecture and the history of the Eternal City. Dates and countless names [...]

The Art Historian’s Guide to Vienna on a Budget

By |2014/12/04|

My blog has a very strong niche and I've never been vague what it is about: Cultural travel. As you know, this means museums, churches, and all the geeky stuff mixed with the personal musings of an art historian who spends most of her time with her head stuck in [...]

How to Plan a Girls Getaway in Europe

By |2014/11/18|

I've traveled with lots of different people in lots of different situations: From exchange student weekend trips to the Algarve with way too many drinking games to a family vacation with my grown-up sisters in Croatia; from a 12-person-pilgramge to attend a wedding in Romania to spontaneous city getaways [...]

Photo Essay: Impressions from Bratislava

By |2014/11/08|

On one Sunday evening during the chaotic months of early summer, I just booked a cheap flight to Vienna. I wasn't even sure I was actually going, but I needed something to look forward to during the stressful weeks that lay ahead of me then. Up until a week [...]

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