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The Beauty of Budapest

You are probably annoyed by my complaining about being pretty much broke right now, so let's just reminisce better times for a while... Back in 2011, Steffen (aka the boyfriend) was working full-time and had a few savings left to splurge. He has always had a passion for photography and since he then had the money, he decided to finally invest into a Nikon DSLR (smart choice!). And he also gave me an amazing present for Christmas: A vacation at whatever destination I wanted to go to (even smarter choice!). I mean, I know how it sounds (and I did [...]

By |2013-05-07T04:39:53+02:002013/01/19|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Hungary|Tags: , , , |19 Comments

Photo Essay: Sweets in Budapest

Why is it that colorful sweets always make for the best pictures? I have no idea. But they really do. Cookies, pastries, candy... sweets always look just insanely delicious in combination! And when displayed like here in Budapest, you could almost be sad that it is impossible to try them all - at least at the same time...  Looking at this picture constantly makes my mouth water all over again.

By |2013-05-07T04:36:57+02:002012/10/22|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , |9 Comments
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