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A Taste of Belgium

I already admitted that I'm not (yet) a foodie. Okay, so I might have turned into a part time foodie throughout the last months, but I'm about to destroy this reputation with the revelation of my dirty little foodie secret: I love French fries! To be exact: French fries are my favorite food. Seriously. In my perception of the world, fries cure headaches and hangovers. Fries can turn a bad day into a good one; fries are the perfect comfort food and the perfect reward food. But before I have to rename this post "An Ode to French Fries" -- [...]

By |2022-01-05T15:20:03+01:002013/07/19|Categories: Belgium, Destinations, Europe|Tags: , , |16 Comments

A Birthday in Bruges

I think I'm a little weird when it comes to birthdays. Usually, I try not to care about my birthday and I rarely plan anything, sometimes even trying to pretty much ignore the date. In the past, I would rather take an extra shift at my part time job in a clothing store than throw a huge birthday party. Somehow, birthday parties never really worked out the way I planned them and so I stopped doing something special, because I think I'm just too afraid to be disappointed. Instead of throwing a party, lately I developed a habit of "not [...]

By |2013-10-27T11:40:59+01:002013/07/06|Categories: Belgium, Destinations, Europe|Tags: , , , , |17 Comments
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