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Photo Essay: The Best of Spring 2016

A while ago, I stumbled upon a quote saying something like "whenever you want to say that you don't have time, say you don't want to make it a priority instead". It may sound harsh, but it's shockingly true: You can always make time for things that are a priority. And yes, in the last months, blogging was not a priority for me. To be honest, I don't feel the need to justify this priority shift. But maybe this summary of my spring 2016 can explain why I preferred to live offline for a change, and why it took me this [...]

By |2022-01-05T14:57:41+01:002016/08/06|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , , , , |8 Comments

Five Essential Things To Do in Venice

I really thought I understood Italian cities by now. After my week-long art history field trip to Rome back in 2006, which was my first visit to Italy as a grown-up, I had returned to Italy's capital in 2014 for several days and then visited Florence last year. I can order food in basic Italian and I know the correct time frame to drink a cappuccino by now. Thus when I booked a super spontaneous trip to Venice with my mom back in March, I didn't think about buying a guide book or reading many blogs beforehand. Partly because I didn't [...]

By |2021-12-13T20:57:18+01:002016/05/10|Categories: Destinations, Europe, Italy|Tags: , , |8 Comments
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