
Published On: 2013/07/22

I don’t really share a lot about what my life looks like when I don’t travel. I currently live in-between Cologne and Frankfurt, in the official middle of nowhere — and I don’t consider my life to be really interesting right now, because it consists out of two things: Waiting for my Master’s thesis evaluation coming in so that I can finally start planning my very last oral exam, and working. Yes, after “traveling up” all my savings this year I’m working full-time again. Don’t worry, it’s only for the summer and I’m not becoming a grown-up just yet. But I have many travel plans in the future, and I have to take advantage of the possibility to stock up my poor empty bank account again.

Cornflowers in Germany

Despite these rather boring background facts, there is one spectacular thing going on right now: Summer in Germany! It might not sound that spectacular to you, but after a winter lasting for 8 months and not one single real German summer in years, I’m just in love with this perfect weather! As my notorious instagrams of cold beverages may already imply, it is even really hot right now — especially when taking in consideration that Germany is a country that has no air conditioning anywhere (Just today I spent an hour on a bus with no AC and zero ‘openable’ windows — I nearly melted!).

Summer in Germany

Apple cake in Germany

Summer in Germany

Blogger life in Germany

Since Steffen upgraded his camera body to the Nikon D700 and gave me his old Nikon D3100 camera body for my birthday (!!!), I started playing around with the dSLR more often and realized that I love documenting what an actual summer in Germany is like…

Vanilla ice cream with strawberries in Germany

Strawberry cake in Germany

Strawberry cake in Germany

I can only show you these photos to depict what my German summer feels like. But imagine a smell of morning dew and summer skin along with them. And the taste of oh-so-many-strawberries and watermelons and iced lattes. I just love summer! And I must admit: Rural Germany is quite the great place to experience this amazing summer!

Summer in Germany

Summer in Germany

Summer in Germany

What is summer like wherever you are?