Without further ado – I love Portugal.
Here are the ten things
I adore the most about this amazing country
Portugal has the most gorgeous sunsets I have ever seen… I never got sick of taking pictures. Especially in combination with palm trees.
Pastéis de nata – so heavenly, no words could describe… if I could eat these for the rest of my life, I would be the happiest girl in the world.
Absolutely no need to explain any further.
Grilled fish dishes – to die for!
Manuline Architecture.
Late Gothic, one-of-a-kind-Portuguese, simply beautiful, my art historian dream come true!
Park-like viewpoints all over the capital – every one of them makes Lisbon appear even more amazing from a new angle.
Parks & Gardens.
From tiny to large, from wildly botanical to artificially designed like Versailles: Portugal has it all. They are used year round by families, couples, retirees, joggers – and in Lisbon, for free public concerts all summer.
It takes months to learn all the different kinds of coffee. But it’s worth it – all of them are delicious and marvelously strong.
Or rather “Winter”. I just loved missing out on freezing, snow slush, and wearing gloves. Pretty much, my whole January in Portugal looked like this:
The nicest people ever. Really.