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Photo Essay

Photo Essay: Impressions from Rome

I just go back from a few days in Rome -- and I have a lot to write about. I learned so much on this trip: What a really good travel partner should be like, that pickpockets don't care about birthdays, that tourist crowds and annoying salesmen make me aggressive, and that I actually had no clue what good Italian food really tasted like. But before I start writing about all my ups and downs in Rome, and before I start swooning, raving, and ranting, I will share my favorite photos -- because pictures say more than thousand words. And [...]

By |2014-12-23T11:06:36+01:002014/03/20|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , |36 Comments

Photo Essay: Pretty Frozen Germany

It's of kind strange that I write so many posts based on weather, but somehow, weather is a big mood catalyzer for me: Spring provides me with so much new energy, summer is just my favorite season of the year, fall makes me nostalgic but also appreciative of the beauty of changes, and winter -- well, winter is always tough. Of course, I find winter beautiful from time to time. At least on those rare days with white powdery snow and blue skies. But most of the time, winter in Central Europe is just gray in gray with more gray. [...]

By |2014-02-02T15:13:08+01:002014/02/02|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , |22 Comments

Photo Essay: Fall in Germany

About two months ago, I wrote a photo essay on the transition season that was about to start. Back then, the leaves hadn't really turned yet, and change was only a faint scent in the far distance. The subtle presentiment of change filled me with fear and excitement at the same time. Today, I look out of the window and the transition season has passed. The trees have no leaves anymore, the days grow shorter and chillier, and the layers of cloths become thicker every day. The season of changes is almost over, but I'm not ready to let go. [...]

By |2013-12-31T14:13:56+01:002013/11/11|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , |16 Comments

Photo Essay: Malahide – An Irish Castle Dream

I'm not a person who is easily impressed when it comes to castles. I mean, I love castles. How could I not? But my home country has approximately 25,000 of them, so it takes something special to catch my eye. But then Ireland happened. Ireland's castles are defensive, eerie, and mysterious. They don't look like something straight out of a fairy tale. They seem darker, because they have fewer windows and there a often ruinous remains of churches and cemeteries nearby. Malahide Castle about 30 minutes north of Dublin is no exception: It's everything you'd want an Irish castle to [...]

By |2013-10-23T19:29:37+02:002013/10/23|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , , , |10 Comments

Photo Essay: Dublin in the Rain

You know I don't mind a little rain while traveling in Europe: There's rarely anything you can do against it except enjoying for the melancholic beauty it creates. I knew I would have to cope with quite a lot of rain when I booked my trip to Ireland -- it has to be called The Emerald Isle for a reason, right? I packed my usual "rain uniform", but actually, it wasn't all that bad in the end. There were even a few times where I could actually wear my sunglasses. However, rain was always present somehow: People carrying umbrellas, houses reflecting [...]

By |2013-10-17T22:57:32+02:002013/10/14|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , |19 Comments

Photo Essay: Midnight in Paris

First of all, sorry for the cheesy title. As I literature and art geek I obviously loved Woody Allen's movie and I honestly wish I could time-travel to Paris of the fabulous 1920ies. But the movie aside, these photos were literally taken at midnight in Paris. My whole day in Paris was already perfect: I strolled along Canal Saint-Martin at noon and spent the afternoon in the shade underneath the Eiffel Tower picnicking with friends for no less than five hours. After watching the sunset at Champs de Mars, my friend Edna and I strolled along the lively streets of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, [...]

By |2013-09-30T22:35:39+02:002013/09/30|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , |12 Comments

Photo Essay: Berlin’s East Side Gallery at Night

I was overwhelmed with all the options in Berlin. There is so much to do and see while in Berlin that you'll never have enough time to see it all. And this is especially true when it comes to art: Berlin has so many museums and galleries that it would take you a lifetime to see them all. All these museums and galleries combined with wonderful street art and an unstoppable artistic scene, make Berlin THE place to be when you're into art. As an art geek I couldn't have been more excited about going to Berlin this summer. Unfortunately, [...]

By |2013-09-28T23:06:54+02:002013/09/23|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , |6 Comments

Photo Essay: The Transition Season

I'm a summer girl through and through, but as the leaves slowly start to change I'm reminded of how much I love fall. It's not only the beautiful bright orange leaves, the mysterious morning fog, and the smell of rain on the still slightly warm concrete of the streets -- it's the feeling of fall that I love. Somehow, fall is very melancholic time of the year. As the year is about to end, colors, memories, and warmth are fading away. The forests aren't as colorful as they will be in October, but the greens start to glimmer yellowish already. [...]

By |2013-09-19T23:37:14+02:002013/09/08|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , |18 Comments

Photo Essay: Musée Rodin in Paris

Paris has some of the most amazing museums of the world, and when re-visited Paris for the third time earlier this summer, I challenged myself to see as many museums as possible. But the weather was so perfect that I didn't want spend too much time inside crowded and gloomy museum hallways -- summer in Paris is just too magical to not experience it outside. So I was really glad when my lovely museum date Edna suggested that we should go see Musée Rodin. This museum in the 7th arrondissement wasn't originally on the list of museums I wanted to [...]

By |2013-08-31T21:11:26+02:002013/08/27|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , , , , |9 Comments

Photo Essay: The Island of Krk

A few days ago I started skimming through the photos I took in Croatia last fall, and I realized that I really miss Croatia. The warm sunshine, the smell of pine woods, the soft clicking sound of the walnuts falling off trees at night, the delicious nutty pastries, and strong coffees. Last year was my first time in Croatia and I must admit that I was skeptical at first. There was such much fuss about Croatia throughout the last years, that I really don't know anyone who hasn't loved Croatia. For me, it was almost hyped a little too much. [...]

By |2013-08-24T13:54:10+02:002013/08/19|Categories: Art History, Photo Essay|Tags: , , |7 Comments
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