Photo Essay: The Best of August 2015
I had planned for August to be a slow month. With a lot of time for reading and writing and concentrating. August in a German university town like Göttingen means the city is pretty empty and the supermarkets actually still have frozen pizza on stock, which would never happen [...]
Where To Drink Coffee in Hamburg
When I started traveling independently, I thought it was fun to have no plans whatsoever. I loved the romantic idea of an old car, a paper map and all the freedom in the world. I quickly learned that traveling with no plans at all is often a stupid idea [...]
Paris in August via Instagram
There was a time when I was really into writing Instagram photo blog posts, but I haven't been doing a lot of them lately as I felt like my images were becoming too repetitive -- even though I'm still old-fashioned and take photos with both my dSLR (for the [...]
London Stories in Black and White
I have always loved photography. My parents gave me my first little camera for my 12th birthday and I was so excited that I even told all my teachers about it. Very soon after that birthday, we spent a week in a cabin in the Jura mountains in Switzerland [...]
Photo Essay: The Best of July 2015
As the amount of blog posts I managed to finish in July already implies: It was a very busy month. (In my defense though: Composing that huge Jordan photo essay took me about three weeks, so I hope you'll forgive me that it was otherwise a bit too quiet [...]
80 Photos to Make You Want to Travel to Jordan
When it comes to blogging, I commit pretty much every "blogging crime" they warn you about in Travel Blogging 101: My blog posts are too long, too inconsistent, too diversified when it comes to travel style: I've experimented with solo travel as well as family travel; I've written about [...]
Photo Essay: The Best of June 2015
June was a mess. I was really looking forward to June, but it was a messy month. My financial situation (too broke after May travels), my social media channels (too neglected), my hair (too long), my apartment (too dusty), my thoughts (too much going on) -- everything was pure chaos. [...]
Love, It’s Complicated
I know this is a strange way to begin a travel-related blog post (especially when you have the real-life dating experience of a sandwich), but lately, I feel like a jealous ex-girlfriend. My first love and I have drifted apart. And I'm slightly heart-broken. A few years back, we [...]
Highlights from a Weekend in London
Three years ago, London had caught me completely off guard: I had come to see the places that I had been familiarized with through all those countless English textbooks, but hadn't expected to fall so hard for the artsy hipster London, the pretty stoops, and, oh -- the coffee. [...]